Friday, June 8, 2012

Everytime I hear this one...I always tell the hubs, "This makes me want to go to Disney World." And he always replies, "What doesn't make you want to go to Disney World?"  And the only answer I can come up with is, "Nothing."  True story....

I definitely have a problem.  Good thing I'm going to Disney on Sunday to get my fix! :)
Another theme song! One of my favorite songs ever.  On a cute little side note, my hubbie calls me Al... It's so stinkin' cute! :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Here's another good one for today...I've been humming this one all morning, and the great thing is, right now, I am confident that I will, in fact, be ok! :) 

This pretty much sums up the past year or so of my life...I've been working everyday on making this a reality for myself. Anytime I feel a slip up, I fight and bring myself back here. Sometimes, I languish in it for a few days or weeks, but I always come back.  Thank you Mr. Degraw for the inspiration!

"Part of where I'm going, is knowing where I'm coming from" 

Monday, May 28, 2012

I'm obsessed with music. All kinds of music. Good music, bad music, old, new, fast, slow, silly, name it, I probably like it. I chalk a lot of my music obsession to my life as a dancer and dance teacher. Music is such an integral part of my life as a person and a dancer. And I find myself wanting to spend hours on end listening to music...reminiscing, dancing, creating.  And those in my life will occasionally indulge me, but it always seems it's never enough. So I've decided to create a blog to showcase all my music loves, songs that are the soundtrack to my life. Sometimes, I just want to listen to some awesome tunes.  Sometimes, I want a song to take me back to a time and place.  I want to record those memories and musings as a chronicle of music and in writing...

I want to start off with songs that I am completely and utterly sure were written especially for me! :) 

Some of my "Theme Songs"

Dream On, Aerosmith.  
One of my all time favorites (I have a feeling that will be said a lot on this blog. I have a lot of favorites!) I've danced to this song, lived for this song, and eventually will have "Dream On" written in the Disney font tattooed on me somewhere. For the two definitely go hand in hand...

Maniac, Michael Sembello.
I started dancing at age 3, and never stopped. It's my life, passion, and purpose. This song just captures every emotion I've ever felt, good and bad, about what dance is and can be for me.

Hula Girl at Heart, Jimmy Buffett.  
Jimmy Buffett is my hero, and I'm sure that he will be making numerous appearances on this blog. 
I do in fact own a window to the ocean (it's about 2.5 blocks from my front door) and my pipeline to the sky is my pilot husband. My bare feet are a work of art (if I do say so myself!), I have worn a wealth of costumes for sure...and in this world that definitely needs more dancing, I am most certainly a hula girl at heart. I need both dancing and ocean to feel whole.

When You Wish Upon a Star, Jiminy Cricket/Disney
Like Buffett, Disney will be all over this blog. The only thing I love more than dancing? Disney. This song just sums it all up. I adore it. I love Jiminy Cricket. Although, I don't really like Pinocchio all that much. This song makes me cry every time. I'm such a sap! And I can't explain the love affair Disney and I share, but it's strong.  I got engaged and married at Walt Disney World, I'm currently working my butt off to make my ultimate dream of dancing at WDW a reality, and it permeates my dreams, waking hours, and almost every thought I have.

ok...I'm sure there are fifty thousand more songs...but I think this is a good start. I'm gonna go listen to some tunes, and hopefully, find some more good ones to add here :)